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Why become a Tennessee Fur Harvester Member?

Each Membership helps TFHA put on free training camps, like Hiwassee, where basic knowledge is gained. Encouraging an age old tradition of trapping, even if it's only for fun!

Help Support the Heritage 

Memberships can be purchased by cash or card at all events OR download the form and bring to an event or mail in (info on form)

Request to Renew with a Card Now 
please include full name and address 

Annual Membership with Trapper's Post Magazine....................$25
                                                          without magazine...................$15

Junior Membership with Trapper's Post Magazine.....................$15

Lifetime Membership with Trapper's Post Magazine...................$500
                                                            without magazine..................$250

Lady Membership (No Magazine)............................................$5

(17 & under)

Make checks payable to Tennessee Fur Harvesters. 
Card payment accepted at events and by email request (renewals only)

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